Big Games Party

Our BIG Games Party utilises the biggest and best party games around for the ultimate kids party. This party is ideal to get the kids running around, having an amazing time and burning off all their energy. Designed for bigger spaces such as a hall or park, this party is fantastic for offering that big energy experience. Ideal for larger groups and older children. Games include: Parachute Games, Tag Rugby Belts Games, Stuck In The Mud, Relay Races and games you've never experienced before.


60 Minutes

£ 195
  • 1-Hour of BIG Games

90 Minutes

£ 245
  • 1.5 Hours of BIG Games

120 Minutes

£ 290
  • 2 Hours of BIG Games

BIG Games Parties are ideal for those children with lots of energy who want to be up, running around at their party and playing some of the best games in town. Worried that the children are going to be too much at your party? Well don’t! Our entertainers are seasoned professionals and utilise a great variety of both fast paced and more relaxed games to get the children letting off steam but also maintaining a controlled environment. This gives you the chance to relax whilst the children and Kazam Parties do their thing. As is suggested by the name these are BIG games and as such require a suitable space such as a park or decent sized hall. The entertainer will bring a variety of equipment with them to make sure the party is a BIG success!

What's included?

Physical Warm-Up

A high energy physical warm-up to get the children burning off energy and raring to go for the rest of the parties activities.

High-Energy games

Games that utilise the space to get the kids burning off energy.

Team Games

Getting the kids into the team spirit, they compete in teams to win prizes.

Big Games Team Games

Dancing games

Games that include dancing to music and other classic party games such as musical statues and the conga.


A variety of games played with a large parachute. The kids absolutely love the parachute games!

Kazam Parties_Parachute Kid

Kids vs Entertainer Games

Here the kids get to have great fun competing against the entertainer. It’s always great to see the enjoyment on the children’s faces when they best the entertainer.

Rugby Tag Belts

Games played with rugby tag belts. These are fantastic and really get the kids moving.